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[sleeper] Alex Ibis

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:14 pm
by Alex Ibis
Name: Alex Ibis
Birthday: Nov 28 1997
Pronouns/Gender: They/Them

Physical Description: Alex is slightly gangly, with short cropped curly hair and dark brown eyes. They’re extremely stylish, wearing cool blazers in interesting prints and tailored clothing. They’re usually extremely neatly presented, whatever it is they’re doing, and dress extremely androgynously at all times.

Occupation: Currently a grad student in mathematics

Personality: Alex is a very thoughtful and pensive individual, who tends to be more of an observer than an active participant a lot of the time. They’re not passive exactly, but they prefer to wait and analyse a situation before getting too deeply involved, and they’re very precise with how they speak, considering carefully first. When they’re a little less on guard, one discovers that a lot goes on beneath the surface with Alex, despite their easy going nature.

Backstory: Alex got into Almagest on a scholarship, having luckily been identified as having a prodigious mathematical mind from a young age in school. They’re a native of the greater St Ray area, and are the eldest child of a single mum from LP. Alex is intensely close with their mum, who has accepted them since a young age for who they are, and regularly visits on the weekends to see their high school age younger brother. They also have a sister who’s studying in a different state.

  • Power: -1
  • Finesse: 1
  • Mind: 2
  • Arcane: 0
HP: 8